Society and Politics
Streszczenia artykulów
No. 2(79)/2024
Artur Życki
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach
The contemporary faces of stoicism
The aim of this article is to show the contemporary resurgence of Ssoicism on the basis of the thoughts and achievements of ancient philosophy and to try to integrate these universal values into the process of informal and formal education. The turn of the second and third millennium is a period of renaissance for stoic philosophy taking place mainly, outside academia, in the online world. This return to the times of ancient times is linked to the problems and confusion of modern man. An attempt at an antidote to this state of affairs, among many others, is the positive psychology that emerged in the United States based on Stoicism. The article takes a closer look at achievements of ancient Stoic thought and the possibilities of its contemporary use of it by people who are looking for paths to individual development and finding a way to live a good, happy life.
Keywords: philosophy, stoics, happiness, emotions, good life.
JEL Codes: Y9
Karol Papka
Badacz niezależny
From Ambition to Crisis: The Rise and Fall of Edward Gierek’s Economic Policy
This paper attempts to investigate the reasons for the failure of the economic concept of Edward Gierek's team and to identify the main aspects that influenced the final outcome. The author also considers the issue of the living standards of the people of that era, confronting the common claim of older generations “we used to live better” with statistical data – analyzing whether it was indeed accurate. At the beginning of the article, a brief historical outline of the seizure of power by Edward Gierek’s team is presented, further touching on the emergence of selected investment projects of that period. In preparing the article, the author made use of national statistical data, databases of international institutions and literature on historical and economic issues.
Keywords: foreign loans, economic development, Fiat 126p, Smelter Katowice.
JEL Codes: D31, H81, P21
Renata Runiewicz
Uniwersytet WSB MERITO Warszawa
Influence of the environment on strategic management
This work is a theoretical presentation of the influence of the environment on strategic management. The aim of the work is the characteristic of strategic management, and its environment. Strategic management is the planned use of a company's resources to reach its goals and objectives. It requires ongoing evaluation of internal processes and external factors that may impact how a company functions. That’s why in strategic management, the environment plays a huge role. In this paper, this relation between environment and strategic management is presented.
Key-words: strategic management, environment, influence.
JEL Codes: J54, M54
Maria Kocot
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Artur Kwasek
Uczelnia Techniczno-Handlowa w Warszawie
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing the Organizational Agility of Higher Education Institutions in a Knowledge-Based Economy
The aim of the article was to examine the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing the organizational agility of higher education institutions in the context of a knowledge-based economy. The research hypothesis suggested that there is a positive relationship between the implementation of artificial intelligence technology in educational processes and the increase in organizational agility of the institutions, improvement in students' educational outcomes, and the flexibility of study programs. The subject of the research was the perception of the role of artificial intelligence in shaping the organizational agility of higher education institutions by students. The research method was a survey conducted in January 2024 on a sample of 956 students from three Polish universities. The results indicated that the majority of respondents perceive artificial intelligence as a key element supporting the development of organizational agility of the institutions. Students acknowledged that AI significantly impacts the improvement of educational outcomes and the development of competencies, which aligns with the hypothesis. It was also emphasized the need for active support from universities in developing competencies related to the use of artificial intelligence in teaching. Despite the positive attitude, respondents also expressed concerns about potential risks associated with the decline in the level of knowledge and the quality of education resulting from the implementation of AI in education.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, organizational agility, knowledge-based economy, higher education institution, management.
JEL Codes: O10
No. 1(78)/2024
Maria Kocot
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
Artur Kwasek
Uczelnia Techniczno-Handlowa w Warszawie
Students' Expectations of Study Programs as Determinants of Agile Management in Higher Education Institutions
The aim of the article is to examine students' expectations of higher education study programs and their impact on the agile adaptation and management of higher education institutions. The research hypothesis assumes that study programs that are transparent, practical, innovative, adapted to the labor market, and allow for individual selection of program content, increase student satisfaction and the efficiency of university management. The study utilizes a quantitative methodology, employing a survey distributed among 529 students from various academic disciplines, educational levels, and age groups, ensuring the representativeness of the data. The key findings indicate that students expect study programs to not only adapt to current market trends but also to offer prospects for professional and personal development, suggesting the need for an agile approach in designing and updating curricular programs. The research results also highlight that universities must actively incorporate students' expectations into decision-making processes to ensure the continuous attractiveness and competitiveness of their educational offerings.
Keywords: agile management, students, study program, higher education institution, innovation.
JEL Codes: O10
Patryk Chmielarz
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Marek Rewizorski
Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Economic, political and legal aspects of interest rate changes in Europe and Asia from 2013 to 2023
This article analyses the effects of drastic interest rate reductions, in particular the use of negative interest rates. The examples of Japan and selected European countries, including Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and Poland, show that the use of low (or negative) interest rates for too long can have a pro-inflationary effect as well as contribute to the worsening of the problem of excessive household indebtedness concerning wealth and creditworthiness and lead to the emergence of speculative bubbles. Thus, suboptimal use of interest rates reduces individual countries' and populations' financial security. Starting from the recognition of the challenge of interest rate formation, the authors of the article adopted an evidence-based public policy perspective to more fully recognise the phenomenon in question and thus lay the groundwork for effective solutions aimed at young people in particular, who are gaining their first experience of using the products offered by the banking system.
Keywords: Interest rates, NIRP, economic policy, real estate, 2% Credit.
JEL Codes: G21, P11, P52, R20, R30
Patrycja Tyborowska
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula w Warszawie
Katarzyna Walat
Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula w Warszawie
Report on the National Scientific Conference: Citizen, citizeness, citizenship
On October 18, 2022, the National Scientific Conference "Citizen, Citizeness, Citizenship" was held at the Dom Polonii in Pultusk. The conference was organized by the Doctoral School of the Aleksander Gieysztor Academy in Pułtusk (a branch of the Vistula Academy of Finance and Business) headed by Dr. Radosław Lolo, in cooperation with the Mazowiecki Ośrodek Wsparcia Ekonomi Społecznej run by Fundacja Fundusz Współpracy. The main purpose of the conference was to discuss a wide range of topics, concerning the historical and contemporary concept of citizenship, civic identity, civil society.
Keywords: conference, citizen, civic identity, civil society.
JEL Codes: Y9